Marking of riparian strips in agricultural environments

The COBAVER-VS and agri-environmental clubs have been collaborating for 3 years in a project to mark Rouge and Raquette river riparian strips in agricultural environments.

Snow posts are installed on shore to delineate the minimum riparian strip to conserve (no till, no spreading). The riparian strip acts as filter and habitat. The vegetation that will grow naturally will reduce erosion by keeping soil on the shore. Also, it is important to know that heavy equipment breaks soil structure close to shore and can produce screes.

A 40 % mobilisation rate have been reach in these watersheds, which allowed the COBAVER-VS to make contact with farmers, understand their needs and establish new project opportunities in partnership with them.

This project was achieved with MAPAQ Prime-Vert program, subcomponent 3.1 and in line with the Protection Policy for Lakeshores, Riverbanks, Littoral Zones and Floodplains.